Main objective: To develop and implement a dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy to enhance innovation capacity and prepare market entry of new products with maximised impact
Contact: susfert@rtds-group.com
Work Package “Dissemination, exploitation and communication” (DEC)(WP7) is dedicated to dissemination, exploitation and communication that will help prepare for optimal market entry. Beginning with communicating objectives of the SUSFERT project DEC activities are followed by dissemination of results to relevant audiences.
WP7 will develop the tools required, set up communication channels needed, write press releases, produce informational material and provide coordinate activities, including stakeholder analysis and organising events and workshops.
At the beginning of the SUSFERT project, the focus will be on communicating SUSFERT and its objectives, in later stages of the project dissemination of project results will be the main objective of DEC activities.
- Coordinate and manage all DEC processes closely aligned with, and considering findings from the Innovation Management task (see Work Package “Project management” (WP8)) and sustainability issues (see Work Package “Sustainability” (WP6)).
- Create and implement communication tools with defined audiences and target groups identified in a stakeholder analysis.
- Build an extended project community and network with relevant stakeholders through dissemination and communication activities.
- Disseminate project results through events and workshops for knowledge consolidation, exchange and transfer.
- Merge project results and knowledge with partner interests, market and regulatory needs and manage intellectual property to produce plans and agreements for post-project exploitation.