Main objective: To identify the economic and environmental impact of SUSFERT products, their sustainability, barriers and opportunities for their adaptation

Work Package leader: Marc Spiller (UA)

Contact: marc.spiller [@]


Work Package “Sustainability (WP6) will systematically analyse the economic sustainability, ensure regulatory compliance taking into account safety of products for producers, users and consumers and evaluate the environmental impact of SUSFERT products compared to existing fertilisers. WP6 will provide input to all other work packages to ensure that SUSFERT products fit into existing framework conditions and soon-expected fertiliser directive.

WP6 will perform a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of production of conventional fertilisers and coatings, including inorganic fertiliser and micro-plastic coatings, and benchmark this against the fertilisers produced in SUSFERT. Economic sustainability of the developed fertilisers will be evaluated in detailed business plans for the novel products, including detailed analyses of iron and phosphorous cascades.

WP6 will perform analysis of regulatory issues and will work on standardisation, considering coatings, struvite and microorganisms, and the final products both for organic and conventional farming. Work carried out in this task will identify and analyse barriers and obstacles to achieve the expected impact and EU-wide market entry of fertilisers developed and piloted in SUSFERT.


Specific objectives:

  • Evaluate the environmental impact of SUSFERT products compared to alternative fertilisers.
  • Ensure economic sustainability of the SUSFERT products and prepare business plans for post-project market entry.
  • Align SUSFERT products with current regulatory framework and expected updates.
  • Use standards to as a means to optimally exploit project results.


Public deliverables:

Deliverable D6.2 – Report on current framework conditions: regulations and policy opportunities and barriers (Aug. 2019)
Deliverable D6.4 – Final report on framework conditions for novel products (Feb. 2020)
Deliverable D6.7 – Final report on standardisation (Oct. 2022)