Sappi Europe SA is the leading European producer of coated fine paper used in premium magazines, catalogues, books and high-end print advertising. Sappi Europe SA is a division of Sappi Limited (JSE), a global diversified wood fibre company focused on providing dissolving wood pulp, specialities and packaging papers, graphic/printing papers, as well as biomaterials and biochemicals to our direct and indirect customer base.
Sappi’s vision is to fully embed the 3P’s of Prosperity, People and Planet into the business process to add value to all stakeholders and to help achieve the company’s goal to be, on a most sustainable basis, the most profitable company in paper, pulp and chemical cellulose solutions.
In the SUSFERT project Sappi will lead Work Package “Coating” (WP2) in developping a process to provide bio-based controlled release coatings for sustainable fertilisers.
Nikolaus Schwaiger, Chemical Engineer Biorefinery, Gratkorn Mill, Austria
Melissa Horvath
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