The RTDS Group is an SME specialized in the development, implementation and communication of research and innovation projects, which includes Intellectual Property (IP) Management and business planning. They provide professional services, tools and training to all public and private sector organisations involved in international research and cooperation.


RTDS is partner in several completed and on-going European Union Framework projects covering health, environment, food and agriculture (KBBE), and bio-based industries (BBI). Our newest BBI-JU funded projects SUSBIND and SUSFERT started on May 1st 2018.


In the SUSFERT project RTDS is leading the Work Package “Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC)” (WP7)  and Work Package “Project Management” (WP8).


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Do you have any questions regarding the SUSFERT project? Please contact  …

SUSFERT project coordinator Dr. Stephen Webb